My Word For 2018

January 8, 2018

My Word for 2018 is FOUNDATION.

Foundation; “1. the basis or groundwork of anything, 2. the natural or prepared ground or base on which some structure rests. 3. the lowest division of a building, wall, or the like..”

Our neighbor has a sick house. I watched an 80k in-law suite turn into a 200k rebuild. Black mold, asbestos, dry-rot, sewage pipes, old electrical, window frames, roof, the list of toxicity and revealing structural damage unfolded.

Watching the house open up her exterior and interior walls was like a ballroom gown lifting to reveal her underskirts. Whole sections of the house torn down and built back up.

Through this experience I was reminded of a single principle: Whatever you build (or re-build) from the ground up is only as good as the foundation beneath it.

Physically or metaphorically, it doesn’t matter how large, how beautiful, or how personally meaningful it is. If it is not supported by a proper foundation it stands in peril.

Foundation means different things to different people. Perhaps it is faith, perhaps it is education, perhaps it is precision, perhaps it is truth and fact.

Listening to the rain fall quite steadily outside tonight I think of the foundation I plan to lay this coming year. Slow and steady. Like brewing coffee dripping hot into a container.

  • What is your foundation?

  • What does your foundation support?

  • What is your word for 2018?


Let The Ground Hold You


Hope: A 2018 Invocation