Pandemic Calm

May 11, 2020


I originally wrote this blog post on October 11, 2017 as a response to the raging California wildfires. At the time, the sky was a dark haze and we wore masks, not to protect each other from a pandemic, but to protect ourselves from the smoke. At the time, I came across so many people who just felt helpless (myself included), so this blog post was in short, a small response. Since then, the post had been archived and removed. It is amazing and horrifying to discover that within 3 years this post can speak almost perfectly to the times again, but this time in response to a global pandemic.

We are in unprecedented times. After witnessing a few friends share moments of personal panic over social media I decided to pull it out from the archives. I hope this helps and finds the right people (looking for a moment of calm) at just the right time.

It seems…

That this year we are rolling from one tragedy to the next with hardly enough room to catch our breath in between. Given the recent hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, mass shootings and raging wildfires, each unprecedented in their severity, we are forced to keep rolling with the punches. 

As I write this, multiple fires rage on in California, devastating several counties just North of the San Francisco Bay, and destroying thousands of homes and buildings along their paths. So much of what brings on disaster, be it natural or man made, is often beyond our individual control. And we are affected in varying degrees. Some of us lose everything, or we could have a family member or friend who is devastated and needs our support. Perhaps we are witnessing the reports of disaster from afar, wanting to help but not sure where to start. 

First, the capacity of the human spirit and a community’s ability to come together, to rescue, to support and give, inspires me deeply.  If you can volunteer, volunteer. If you can give, give. If you are in need, allow yourself to receive. If you are not in any of these positions, you can hold space for those affected by sending focused healing and loving thoughts, energy and prayers from wherever you are in the world. 

Whatever our degree of relationship to this disaster, be aware that the collective response energy is intense, and fear energy can run high. We might feel it in the solar plexus area (the stomach) or we might feel stricken in our chest cavity, feeling claustrophobic, and finding it hard to breath. After the adrenaline, comes the fatigue. In these moments, know that it’s okay to feel deeply. There is often a great deal of loss associated with disaster, and in so many ways, we are forced to let go. 

These 3 actions can help ease anxiety and ground you back in your body if you are feeling panic and overwhelm. 


  • Find a space to get comfortable. It can be in child's pose, low to the ground. If you are not familiar with Child's Pose in yoga. Sit with your knees underneath you and bend forward, resting your forehead on the ground. Hands stretched on the ground in front of you or down, palms up, by your side. Just take 3 long breaths, exhale out slowly and just let the ground support you. Allow whatever emotions come up to surface and be released. 


  • In a seated position, close your eyes and take another 3 breaths. Breathe in your nose and out of your mouth slowly. Place your left hand over your heart and your right hand over your stomach, and connect with the beating of your heart as you breathe inward and out. Place your left hand over your right hand, which is placed on top of your heart. Breathe into your hands. Imagine your hands filling with golden, white and rose colored light. Then imagine the light expanding beyond your cup filled hands, outwards, to create a circle of light around you. Allow yourself to be held in this light. Exhale. 


  • Still seated, reach your arms out and embrace yourself or place your palms at the heart center (Like your hands are in prayer position, with your thumbs pressed against your chest cavity). Imagine you are surrounded and overflowing with love and compassion. Whatever that looks and feels like to you, you are encompassed by it completely. Breathe in slowly. Exhale out of your mouth slowly as you release and you let go. 

Take Heart.

Challenging times, like unfathomable natural disasters, can very easily become overwhelming. Connect within, then connect with your community in whatever way you can. Together, we can lift each other up. We do not not have to go it alone. Lastly, if you feel this blog post has helped you, or could benefit someone you love, please feel free to share this post with friends and family. 

Thank you for taking the time to journey with me today.

From my heart center to yours,



Thoughts on Navigating (Pandemic) Ambiguity